My passion for investment started more than 2 decades ago. After a recommendation from my best friend’s mother, I bought 300 shares of an Egyptian construction company. I sold it later at 20% of the initial value!

This made me realize that passion isn’t enough. I started working hard to increase my financial knowledge. I read many books, attended seminars, got direct coaching from the best investors in the world, listened to CNBC and Bloomberg for countless hours, joined investment websites and blogs, took many courses and started paper trading.

Eventually, it dawned upon me that my focus was only in Egypt and I hadn’t dared to explore opportunities outside my home country. I started to buy and sell American stocks on the NYSE. Fast forward to present day, I currently own and manage a multi-million dollar portfolio of Stocks, Bonds, Gold, Peer to Peer and Crowdfunding across 6 countries. I wish I had considered the world as my investment field much earlier.

Over the last 20 years, I have enjoyed living in 7 countries across 4 continents as a business executive in several multinational companies. What a wonderful experience it has been, meeting new people, learning about amazing cultures and continuing my financial education journey. It wasn’t in my wildest dreams that this hobby would help me save more money than my full-time job.  A few hours per week enabled me to successfully manage my family and friends’ portfolios, worth multi-millions of dollars.

Recently, I returned to the Middle East and found wonderful people full of potential, passion and big dreams; such as yourself. They aspire to save money for a better future, or to start their own business to earn a bit more, or invest successfully to grow their wealth. However, they often lacked the experience and skills to start. To my surprise, after all these years, the majority are still limiting their investment to their home countries, missing great global opportunities.



Wealth Heights is dedicated to people like you, who want to increase their financial knowledge and to consider the globe as their investment horizon. Through simple yet thorough and practical courses, I will share my 20+ years of investment experience in Stocks, Bonds, Gold, Peer to Peer, and Crowdfunding. You will learn how to invest in multiple markets including, but not limited to, the UAE, UK, and USA. You will learn how to create investment portfolios that consistently beat the market and are tailored to your specific needs. It takes a few hours per week for a lifetime of freedom.

Wealth Heights’ “Wealth Store” is where you need to visit to start your great investment journey. Whether you want to learn all about how to protect your wealth, take on the 1-on-1 live coaching to create and execute your investment plan, or learn all about the '5 Steps To Financial Freedom', you simply need to CLICK HERE.

Procrastination is your biggest enemy and you might be one action away from an amazing investment journey that will help you reach your financial goals. I encourage everyone to TAKE ACTION now and start with my FREE eBook on the '4 Steps that Doubled My Wealth.'

If you have any questions, shoot me an email to [email protected]. I am here to help and support you.